Make Rose Fertilizer at home with Ripe Bananas and Eggshells

Make Rose Fertilizer at home with Ripe Bananas and Eggshells
What do you do with bananas that over-ripes and egg shells? 
Why not use them to fertilize your roses? 
  1. Take 1 Overripe Banana and 1 Eggshell. You can take as many in 1:1 proportion.
  2. Blend them in mixer with some water and make a paste of this. Then add half a litre water to this proportion. If you took more bananas and eggshells then increase proportionately.
  3. Pour around 1 cup of this mixture to base of your rose plant.

And watch your beautiful roses blossom. 

Tip: You can use this mixture once a month.

Watch out my upcoming blog on how to prune your rose plant to get the maximum blossom!

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